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I am Insurance advisor working with KYC Financial to help families achieve their short- and long-term financial goals. I work with most Canadian insurance companies.
My passion is to share knowledge of financial management with others. Some time ago I decided to learn about finance myself, in order to pass this knowledge on to my Children. I discovered the majority of people are not aware of how to effectively save their money for the future.
Understanding the wide range of investment opportunities outside of the traditional banking system is a key factor in wisely investing your money. This is my reason to come into this line of business.
There is no fee for consultation or discussion, if you agree with the solutions and plans that I provide and implement, the insurance company will pay for the service I provide.
Everyone is eligible for self-assessment, especially the self-employed, because they do not have some of the benefits that the employed person will have, like coverage from work or retirement plans.
There is no best time to start investing (Saving) the earlier we start saving the less amount we need to put aside for future.
The best way to learn, talk to an advisor for some advice as soon as possible to save taxes and hassle before it’s too late.
Everyone needs a will if you have a family (especially a young family), even a single person should have sone one responsible for representation when He or She inincapable of making life decision.